THE ROMANS IN BRITAIN

The Romans arrived in Britain in  1  when the Celts lived on the island and stayed there up to 410 AD when the 2  arrived.

The Romans left different remains as aqueducts, roads, bridges and baths.

The Romans came from  Rome , which was founded by 3  .

Romulus and Remus were twin brothers abandoned by their parents in a basket into the river 4 .

They were found by a  5  that fed them with her own milk.

Then they were found and raised by a  6.

Romulus and Remus became young strong and clever men. They quarrelled and      7   killed    7.

Romulus founded Rome in   8   in the hill where the wolf found them.


The Romans invaded Britain in three different occassions.

In    9     Julius Caesar led his army across the sea from Gaul (Galia, a Roman province) to Britain. The   10         fought back and the Romans went back to Gaul

A year later, in 54 BC, the Romans came back.   11     returned with 30,000 soldiers and could only capture a Celtic   12     . He went back to Rome.

Nearly a hundred years later, in    13    the Romans returned. Emperor   14  sent four legions – each of them with up to   15    soldiers - that conquered the southern half of Britain.

The first important city in Roman Britain was Camulodunum – currently  16 -


By the    17    barbarian tribes were attacking other parts of the Roman Empire. Emperor    18     decided that the Roman legions in Britain were needed elsewhere. He called the Roman legions back to Rome.

Although the first  important Roman city in Britain was   19     the Romans started to build the current London   20  seven years later of their arrival in Britain,  in  21  .


1.  a)   43 AD     b) 34 AD        c) 410 BC

2.a) Saxons     b) Celts          c) Normans

3. a) Julius Caesar  b) Romulus and Claudius

c) Romulus and Remus

4. a) Thames   b) Tiber   c) Iberus

5. a)  Lionnes           b) Female dragon       c) Female wolf

6.   a)  soldier              b) shepherd                 c) farmer

7.   a) Remus  / Romulus        b) Romulus / Remus               c) Romulus and Remus / shepherd

8.   a) 753 BC     b) 357 BC       c) 573 BC

9. a) 55 BC     b) 55  B C                c)  45 AD

10.       a)  British Celts          b) Irish picts               c) British Romans

11.       a)  Claudius                b)  Julius Caesar         c) Calígula

12.       a) town           b) village         c) hill-fort

13.       a)  34 AD        b) AD 43        c) 33 AD

14        a)  Claudius                b)  Julius Caesar         c) Calígula

15.       a) 7,000           b) 6,000          c) 8,000

16.       a) Colchester   b) Winchester   c) Chichester

17.       a)   5h century BC      b)  5th century A.D.               c) 5th century

18.       a) Claudius                 b) Julius Caesar                      c) Honorius

19.       a) Londinium              b) Camulodonum                   c) Caesar Augusta

20.       a) Londinium              b) Camulodonum                   c) Caesar Augusta

21.       a)   50 BC       b) 50 AD        c) 51 BC



To keep away the Picts (living in the current Scotland) the Romans constructed Hadrian´s Wall


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