Look for info to fill in the following statements. 1. The first Christmas cracker was made by ______________ in ____________ . 2. Tom Smith was a ___________ _____________ in _________ . 3. He took the idea of making crackers from _________ “bon bon” sweets and the sparking and cracking coming from the __________ fire. 4. His three sons _____________ , ________________ and ____________ introduced the ____________ into crackers and travelled around the world looking for new ideas. 5. Very important people (VIPs) as the British ______________ __________ have special crackers made for them. 6. Nowadays we find __________, ___________, ____________ or jokes inside crackers. 7. The longest cracker was made ____________________ in ______________ . 8. The biggest Christmas cracker pull was done in _____________ by ____________ people. 9. There eve...
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