
Showing posts from February, 2025


 Welcome to TASK 4 and last   Boardgames are just that .... GAMES.     And GAMES are to be PLAYED.     So here ou are online versions of some of them.      ENJOY YOURSELF!!!               PLAY GOOSE GAME                     PLAY LUDO                      PLAY JENGA                         PLAY CONNECT 4                               PLAY UNO                                       PLAY TIC TAC TOE                                                 PLAY GUESS WHO ...


  Welcome to TASK 3!    Now that you know the basic info related to each boardgame it´s  high time you proved you can play them:    Read with insight and watch out for KEY WORDS. 1.CHESS A. You have to build a tower laying floors of three blocks . Then remove the blocks one at a time taking turns from the middle layers putting them on top . 2.UNO B. Choose red or blue disks . One player at a time places a disk in the grid to make four on a line . 3.PICTIONARY C .Choose a token. Then throw the dices and move your piece on the board. If you fall on a goose or a bridge you can move forward. If you fall on well or gallows you miss turn. If you fall on death you start again. The winner is the firs to get to square 63 . 4.LUDO D .Four red , yellow , blue and green pieces. All at home until one player gets number 5 and starts. The winner is the one that takes its...


  Hi again!   After naming the probably most famous 10 boardgames we´re moving on to see ....        ... WHO CREATED WHICH   In TASK 2 you´ll discover WHO invented these boardgames or, in some cases, their  CULTURE of  origin.     Same as before, connect in your grid the different boardgames (numbers) with the peoples´  NAMES or CULTURES. BOARDGAME NAME(S) / CULTURE and WHEN? 1. UNO A. MERLE ROBBINS in 1971 2 LUDO B. INDIA in 600CE (AD) 3 GOOSE GAME C. THEO and ORA COSTER in 1961 4 JENGA D. ITALIAN lottery game from the 16th century 5 CHESS E.ITALIAN boardgame from the 15th century 6 GUESS WHO F. HOWARD WEXLER and NED STRONGIN in the 1970s 7 BINGO G. EGYPT 1300BC 8 CONNECT 4 H. LESLIE SCOTT early 1970s 9 PICTIONA...


  Have you ever played any boardgame?   It´s a good way to spend some fun time with family and friends.       In these tasks we´ll be talking about some boardgames and their origin.                Let´s begin by MATHING them with their pictures.                       Off you go and ... HAVE FUN!!!!          1               2        3                   4                                      5             6           7                   8                        9 ...